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Indoor Air Quality Issue Sites

Indoor air quality issues may develop quickly to situation where finding the substitute premises is crucial. The substitute premises may be difficult to find and they add significantly expenses not to forget the moving and disinfection expenses. LED Tailor’s blue light disinfection system is an easy and inexpensive solution to solve indoor air quality issues. The system purifies indoor air effectively which enables safe working environment in classrooms so moving to substitute premises can be avoided. The investment pays itself back in only few months!

The photon disinfection system consists of blue Spectral Blue™ system that is used at night time or when the space to be disinfected is not occupied. With Spectral Blue Catalytic coating the effectivity of the luminaires can be boosted to destroy also viruses, spores, odours and harmful VOC compounds. The system runs fully automatically and to use it you won’t need any extra initiation.

Explore our Spectral Blue solutions at